dimanche 1 novembre 2009

PARIS Ocober 22, 2009!!!!

I just got to spend an amazing long weekend with TIFFANY CHOI!!!! who happens to live quite near paris!!!

WE had a great time! and did a whirlwind tour!!!

WE had Angelina's Hot chocolate... quite possibly the greatest invention ever, it is thick, not as thick as warm chocolate pudding, but close, and they give you whipped cream, and its wonderful and rich and decadent :) it was very fun!
WE walked all over paris!

We had a lovely lunch close to Montparnasse, in a great little cafe!

I got to see a great park! That is mostly frequented by REAL parisians... not the tourists!

WE went to the Tiffany Exposition! (lamps)

WE also saw a play! MEDEE!!! (very depressing, but very cool to go see! :) )

I got to see Paris from the Pompidou... (This is a must... its really cool because everything seems close!)

Then we went to go get Prescott from the airport...
From there we had pain au chocolate... duh :)
WE took the BATOBUS down the seine and saw all the big landmarks
We visited the eiffle tower...
notre dame...
l'arc de triomph...
we ran into a random parade of public service officials!
We went to a great cafe!
WE had amazing nutella banana crepes at a great crepe stand!
We saw the Louvre
andddddd we had a really really fun wine tasting/ dinner with Tiffany and her roommate Gis!

What a Paris whirlwind amazing tour!!! :) SO FUN!

Wonderful wonderful wonderful trip!!!

1 commentaire:

  1. Ohh!! What a fantastic way to spend the day! I wish I could have been there to see (and taste) all that is Paris, and I can't wait to see some of your pictures. I love your descriptions of everything you did and can't wait to hear more.

    Way to go, Sarah! You're amazing, and I hope you keep having a wonderful time!!

    Much love,
